Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD)
The Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities program (ACSD) provides financial support to parents caring for a child with a severe disability. This program provides financial support for low to moderate income families.
Who are they able to assist:
When can they assist:
A parent or legal guardian with a child
Who is a Resident of Ontario
Is under the age of 18
Lives at home
Has a severe disability
What can they assist with: (Included but not limited to)
Purchase of wheelchairs and other assistive devices
Service on wheelchairs and other medical devices
Travel to medical appointments related to child’s disability
Regional office:
ASCD - Mississauga
6733 Mississauga Road, Suite 200
Mississauga, ON L5N 6J5 - 905-567-7177
- 1-877-832-2818
- 905-567-3215
- 1-866-563-9708
Regional office:
ASCD - Newmarket
17215 Leslie Street, Unit 101
Newmarket, ON L3Y 8E4 - 905-868-8900
- TTY : 905-715-7759
- 1-877-669-6658
- 905-895-4330